Economics of Climate Change and Adaptation in LDCs


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  Economics of Climate Change and Adaptation in LDCs

Paul Watkiss Associates also specialises in policy support for adaptation policy in developing countries, often working closely with the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership  (  A number of recent projects are summarised below.

Asian Development Bank

Asian Development Bank: Principles of Climate Risk Management for Climate Proofing Projects

This working paper recommends guiding principles to streamline the application of the climate risk management (CRM) approach, aligned with the main phases of the ADB project cycle.

ADB - Paul Watkiss Associates

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Climate Strategies

Long-term strategies in a changing climate (GIZ)

The research was commissioned to investigate and stimulate discussion on the technical and political economy issues with long-term climate resilient and low emission development strategies, using a literature review and analysis of the findings, including the synergies and trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation. This report summarizes the findings of this research and sets out some initial recommendations and future priorities.

Open and read report

Adaptation Finance Gap

Adaptation Finance Gap

PWA contributed to this UNEP study on the adaptation gap, leading the work on the adaptation finance gap. The original work was updated in 2018.  (new window)

Climate Change, fisheries & aquaculture

Decision-making and economics of adaptation to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector

This publication reviews available information on the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. It reviews emerging frameworks as well as economic tools to appraise adaptation options and provides recommendations for future work in the area.  (new window)

World Bank Group

World Bank Group: Multi-Sectoral Investment Framework for Climate and Disaster Risk Management

This study developed analysis and diagnostic reports to pilot a multi sector investment framework in line with IDA17 commitments for WBG investment project.  The project developed a modelling analysis of baseline climate risks and costs, then developed a framework for climate and DRR investment planning. 


PWA is supporting various adaptation economic and finance projects in Rwanda.

Watch the video of Adapting Rwanda: mainstreaming climate resilience into the tea and coffee sector in Rwanda.



Design, Investment Plan and Economic and Financial appraisal for Rwanda’s Integrated Rural Proposal to the Green Climate Fund (GCF)




Economic Impact Assessment of Climate Change In Key Sectors In Nepal (CDKN).

Paul is technical leader on a study analysing the economic impacts of climate change in Nepal for key sectors.

Summary for policy makers

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Adaption to climate change in the hydropower sector in Nepal (CDKN)



Ethiopia’s Climate-Resilient Green Economy: Climate Resilience Strategy: Agriculture - Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia / Global Green Growth Institute

Paul led the development of the climate resilience strategy for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The study assessed the economic costs of current climate variability and the future costs of climate change, and developing an adaptation strategy for Ethiopia, including an investment and financial flow analysis to link to adaptation costs and access to finance.

Watkiss et al (2014).  Ethiopia’s Climate Resilience Strategy.  Technical Report supporting the CR Strategy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia




Zanzibar Climate Change Strategy

Paul provided technical support to the development of the Zanzibar Climate Change Strategy. 

Summary of the Zanzibar Climate Change Strategy

Open document here

This work built on a study of the economics of climate change in Zanzibar, see: 




The Economics of Climate Change in the United Republic of Tanzania
Watkiss, P. et al (2011).  The Economics of Climate Change in the United Republic of Tanzania.  Report to Development Partners Group and the UK Department for International Development. Published January 2011. Available at:
KENYA The Economics of Climate Change in Kenya

Watkiss et al (2009).  The Economics of Climate Change in Kenya.  Final Report to DFID and DANIDA.  Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford.   Available at


The Economics of Climate Change in Rwanda

Watkiss et al (2009).  The Economics of Climate Change in Rwanda.  Final Report to DFID and DANIDA.  Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford.   Available at


AdaptCost: ADAPTCost Project: Analysis of the Economic Costs of Climate Change Adaptation in Africa - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The AdaptCost project investigated and built the evidence based on the costs of adaptation in Africa . The project undertook a detailed review of the estimated economic costs of adaptation in Africa , investigating several lines of evidence, and commissioning new model runs or sector analysis. The project summary (Watkiss et al, 2010) can be downloaded at -




The Economics of Climate Resilient Development

PWA has been undertaking a review and evaluation of climate resilient development for IDRC.

Download the working papers:


Lessons around key challenges